Sudio Legale Bianchi Schierholz

Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partner

Sito in lingua italiana Sito in lingua tedesca

  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Roma
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Milano
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Germania
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

The Law Firm

Studio Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

Professional tax and legal services

Highly specialised in business consultancy and advisory assistance, Bianchi Schierholz & Partners is uniquely placed to provide those tax and legal services indispensable for meeting companies’ needs.

The Firm is made up of top notch lawyers and accountants who, thanks to their wide, high-level professional experience, are able to meet the specific needs of an ever more demanding international clientèle.

We at Bianchi Schierholz & Partners have acquired great expertise in drawing up typical and atypical contracts common in national and international trade practice, assisting both Italian and foreign clients in negotiating and stipulating highly complex agreements in a variety of areas including the media, international trade, i.t., insurance, pharmaceutical, transportation, manufacturing and utilities sectors.

The Firm’s lawyers are geared to represent Italian and foreign clients in civil, commercial, administrative and tax disputes, at every stage and level of jurisdiction, in all matters resulting in proceedings before public (litigation) or private (arbitration) courts, as well as in A.D.R. mediations.

Our firm furthermore boasts extensive experience in amicable and alternative dispute resolution methods. A number of lawyers at Bianchi Schierholz & Partners have also acted as advocates and arbitrators in both domestic and international arbitrations.

Among our Firm’s clients are the following important companies:

Studio Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

  • A leading European insurance company;
  • The Police of an important German-speaking country;
  • the largest railway companies in Italy;
  • the foremost media company in Italy;
  • the largest private pension fund in Italy;
  • the Tax agency
  • a host of medium-sized Italian and foreign companies operating in the manufacturing, building, IT, service and brokerage industries.

We at Bianchi Schierholz & Partners offer bespoke services to our clients. Service quality and client satisfaction are our firm’s hallmark.


Studio Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

Here at Bianchi Schierholz & Partners quality of service is given top priority. We focus on:

  • Providing our clients with the highest level of professionalism;
  • Carrying out research activities on a daily basis;
  • Undertaking continual training to ensure our knowledge is constantly updated;
  • Making sure our lawyers and accountants have a sound academic training;
  • Selecting personnel carefully;
  • Offering bespoke services to our clients.


Our total commitment to, and love for, our work allows us to achieve excellence

in all aspects of our business.




Regulation EU 2016/679


•      On 24 May 2016, the new General Data Protection Regulation has come into force, and will be mandatory in all 28 EU member states from

        25 May 2018.

•      Consequently, companies, professionals, freelancers and associations should be mindful of the following.



The consent of processing personal data shall be updated.

The regulation has given specific indication about it.

It has to be:

·         Freely given

·         specific

·         informed

·         with unambiguous indication

·         clear affirmative action (That means that it can be also in an oral form)



·       Appropriate measures to provide information relating proceeding data shall be taken in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily

accessible form, using clear and plain language.

·         Check if you already have given all the informations requested requested to data subject.

·         If not, you have to change and improve the «information formular».


Data protection Policy:

Appropriate data protection policies shall be implemented:

·         Appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate, that processing is performed in accordance

with the new regulation (record of processing activities);

·         Appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security of data appropriate to the risk (back up of data stored in

cloud, antivirus, password, training of employees).


Transfers of personal data to third countries or international organizations:

·         Data exchange with third countries (non-EU member states) is submitted to strong rules and admitted only under the provisions of the new


·         Transfers are subject to adequate safeguards provided by controller or processor.


Data protection officer:

It is mandatory if:

·         The processing is carried out by a public authority except for courts acting in their judicial capacity; or

·         The core activities of the controller (company) consist in processing operations which require regular and systematic monitoring of data

subjects on a large scale (for example lawyer’s activity is not considered to monitoring their clients data on a large scale, but big internet provider companies do- the amount of data has to be extremely huge);

·         The core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing on a large scale of special categories of data (revealing racial or

ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation) and personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences.


Appropriate data protection policies shall be implemented:

·         Appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure and to able to demonstrate, that processing is performed in accordance with

the new regulations (records of processing activities);

·         Appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security of data appropriate to the risk (back up of data stored in

cloud, antivirus, password, training of employees).


Liabilities and penalties:

Controller or processor have to give compensation to any person who suffered damages for an infringement of the new regulation. A controller or processor shall be exempt from liability if it proves that it is not in any way responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.

If obligations of the new regulation are not fulfilled. Up to  20 000 000 EUR, or in the case of an undertaking, up to 4 % of the total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding financial year.