Sudio Legale Bianchi Schierholz

Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partner

Sito in lingua italiana Sito in lingua tedesca

  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Roma
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Milano
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Germania
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

Praktikum / Referendariat


We are pleased to offer German-speaking interns and legal trainees (m/f/d) the opportunity to complete an internship or their legal traineeship in Rome (Ostia) as part of their training. Candidates should be interested in working in a German-Italian law firm and have a desire to get involved. Knowledge of the Italian language is necessary for the work.

The main focus of our work is advising companies as well as assisting German-speaking private individuals who need legal assistance in Italy.

The law firm Bianchi Schierholz & Partners represents its clients in national and international matters. Our practice covers all aspects of general civil law, with family and inheritance law at its core, as well as tax and commercial law, in particular corporate, commercial and employment law.

For the duration of your stage in Rome (Ostia), a furnished room including a small kitchenette, accessible only to you, will be available in the office if required.


Please send your application with CV to:






CONSENT FOR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA AND INFORMATION ON PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA (Privacy Code, Legislative Decree N. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments; since 25.03.2018, General Data Protection Regulation and security N. 679/2016)


Dear Candidate,

in relation to personal data that will come into possession of Bianchi Schierholz Law Firm, in consequence of your application (oral, or via e.mail) for a stage (Praktikum), legal practice (Rechtsreferendariat), or for a job interview; with your  preliminary request for information (oral or via mail) about these or other activities and / or by sending to us your curriculum, documents etc., eventually containing special categories of personal data, Att. Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz (Fiscal Code n. BNC FRZ 67H27 F205H), based in 20122 Milan, Largo F. Richini, n. 2, and in 00122 Rome, Viale del Lido, n. 24/b, telephone number n. 06 5627818, e-mail, certified mail, as data controller informs you of the following:


1.  Purpose of collecting and processing personal data:

The processing of data collected from you (as data subject, interested in processing) aims to:

  • - the fulfillment of legal obligations in accounting, social insurance and tax matters (for example, issuing of invoices and accounts keeping) and any other obligation on the professional established by current legislation (e.g.: regarding anti-money-laundering);

  • - exercise the rights of the lawyer, as data controller, connected to the kind of relation with you established (e.g. for the judicial and extra judicial activity).

  • - answer to your request of information;

  • - the evaluation of your application for a stage (Praktikum); legal practice (Rechtsreferendariat-Wahlstation) or for a job interview.


  • 2.  Legal basis of the processing

Law firm Bianchi Schierholz treats your personal data lawfully:

a) Even without your explicit consent (art. 6, lett. B, GDPR), whereas the treatment: 

- Is necessary to answer to your request of information;

- Is necessary for the evaluation of your application for a stage (Praktikum) ; legal practice (Rechtsreferendariat-Wahlstation) or for a job interview;

- Is necessary for fulfilling a legal obligation of the Professional; 

b) With your previous explicit and separate consent (art. 7 GDPR) :

- In case in your curriculum vitae or in your communications particular categories of personal data are contained [e.g. your health data, or your belonging to a particular category or association of workers etc.]


3. Refusal to provide data

Your refusal to provide the personal data necessary for the performance of the aforementioned activities and for the fulfilment of the legal obligations imposed on the professional, and the lack of your free, explicit, unequivocal consent to the processing of eventual particular categories of personal data, implies the impossibility of giving you the requested information/feed back; of examining your curriculum and evaluating your application.


4. Types and categories of processed data

The provided data are common (e.g.: name, surname, telephone number, address and fiscal code) or relating to particular categories (for example: those relating to health in case of protected categories of workers; judicial data in cases relating to convictions and criminal proceedings; data relating to the family or personal situations).

The provision of personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in point 1.


5. Recipients of personal data

Your personal data:

- Can be communicated to the persons in charge of the processing (other subjects operating under the authority of the controller and on his instructions, for example: colleagues and collaborators of the law firm, domiciliary lawyers and/or delegates for individual activities, the secretariat of the firm);

- Can also be communicated, for the purposes referred to in point 1, to external data controllers (accountant, maintenance of hardware and software services), to all those public and private entities to whom communication is necessary for the correct fulfilment of the purposes indicated in point 1 and legal obligations.


6. Dissemination of personal data

Personal data are not subject to dissemination or transfer to third parties.


7. Data transfer abroad

Your personal data are stored on the local server in the law firm, in the internal unit of the PC, in the cloud server “dropbox” located in non-EU country (USA).The DROPBOX Inc Company has joined the Privacy Shield for adequate data protection.


8. Duration of processing and storage of data

The processing and storage of data provided for aforementioned purposes (stage, legal practice, job interview), will be performed and last as long as it is necessary for the evaluation of your application. In any case, your data will be stored on analogical or digital support for the maximum period of 5 year from the date they were provided (also to give you some additional information unless your explicit denial). Accordingly, after that period, your data will be erased/cancelled, unless a new juridical  ground for their processing takes over/succeeds (e.g. a contract).


9. Rights of the data subject

The person concerned with the processing of data, under certain circumstances established by law, has the right to:

1. Obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;

2. Obtain the indication: a) of the origin of personal data; b) of the purposes and methods of processing; c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the controller and of the processor, and the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as processors or authorized persons.

He/she, where applicable, has also the following rights referred to in the articles 16-21 of the European Data Protection Regulation (No. 679/2016):

3. Right to  have access to personal data;

4. Right to obtain the correction or integration of incomplete data or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the treatment that concerns them;

5. Right to oppose to the treatment in which a legitimate interest of the interested party (or third parties) is invoked and there are elements relating to a specific personal situation that lead to oppose to the treatment;

6. Right to data portability, i.e. to request the transfer of data in electronic form to another controller;   

7. Right to withdraw the consent (except in cases where the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject or for the performance of a task of public interest or related to the exercise of public powers vested in the data controller);

8. Right to lodge a complaint to the data protection Autorithy.


10. How to exercise those rights

The data subject concerned with the processing of data, may, at any time, exercise the rights referred to in point 10, by sending:

- a Letter to the address of the registered office of the data controller, at 00122 Rome, Viale del Lido 24;



The undersigned _____________________________________, Fiscal Code N. __________________________________ declares to have received the information.



Signature of Data Subject


The undersigned,within the scope of the above described purposes, consents that the Law Firm performs the activities above, for which consent represents the legal basis of the treatment and, for this reason,

□ Gives consent;

□ Denies consent.



Signature of Data Subject