Sudio Legale Bianchi Schierholz

Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partner

Sito in lingua italiana Sito in lingua tedesca

  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Roma
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Milano
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Germania
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

The news of the Bianchi Schierholz law firm



Copyright assessment in the age of AI

This expert opinion deals with copyright issues using the example of a jingle in the age of AI

Copyright assessment in the age of AI


Working remotely in Italy and saving taxes? it was a relief for many people to be able to return to the office after the Covid 19 pandemic, others have discovered the opportunity to move out into the countryside or abroad straight away. For a growing number of these people, the Italian „impatriati“ scheme is of interest: those who move here can save between 70 and 90 percent of their income tax for five, possibly up to ten years. We have dealt with the possibility of making use of these tax benefits in the attached expert opinion (in German).


Expert opinion on the example of an anonymised case

If you would like to see an example of our work on an interesting cross-border inheritance case between Italy and the USA, please follow this link:



FOCUS Online Interview: Lawyer Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz explains what is crippling Italy's economy

Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz conducted an interview with FOCUS Online in 2018 on Italy's problematic economic situation. The relevance of the interview has (unfortunately) not diminished since then, but has only become more apparent in the wake of the COVID crisis. You can read about the role Germany and China play in this at the following link:



FOCUS Online Interview: Lawyer Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz explains what's different in Italy now

In Italy, EU sceptics are in power, stirring up anti-refugee sentiment. In Germany, too, things are going haywire because of the EU-wide refugee dispute. Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz, lawyer and head of the foreign office of the German Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Italy, explains why this is much worse for Europe.



FOCUS Online Interview: Lawyer Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz explains what's different in Italy now

In Italy, EU sceptics are in power, stirring up anti-refugee sentiment. In Germany, too, things are going haywire because of the EU-wide refugee dispute. Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz, lawyer and head of the foreign office of the German Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Italy, explains why this is much worse for Europe.